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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The results are in...

The Lipsky Team recieved an email this morning from the official judges of the puppy naming contest, my parents. Read on to find out the puppy's name!

Dear Miss Lipsky and Miss Lipsky,

Thank you for helping us name our new puppy. Your classes are so creative and funny too.

We enjoyed reading the lists and found many of the names to be good possibilities for the puppy's name.

Some of the names were very "Gatory" and others were very yummy (Fudge, Cookie, Brownie, Cupcake).

So here is our decision (drum roll please).

It's a tie!

Yes, we found one name on the Stephen Foster list and one of the Chet's Creek list that combine to match our puppy's personality.

So his name is Rowdy Blackjack (who is asleep on my lap as I type this e-mail)!

Both classes win and both classes will be getting the prizes when they return from the Thanksgiving break.

Thanks for your help.

Mr. and Mrs. Lipsky and Rowdy Blackjack


josh said...

Well I think that was a great contest.

victoria said...

That name is so nice!!!I like it!!!

Joshua said...

Well I think that our class won because our class was the most thoughtfulest.(we are the best in the world.)[HA HA HA.]

P.S.,I did this at home

P.S.S,I am watching the orlando game.

Anonymous said...

YAY yay it was tie