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Monday, January 18, 2010

Look at that growth!

Well we haven't updated as often as we planned, but for awhile there was nothing to tell. The beans took a few days to sprout, and some still haven't! Check out the pictures of the plants that have not only sprouted, but flourished!

These beans had all their needs met. They were watered and sat on the windowsill in the sun. Some of our beans are just beginning to grow.

Why do you think the beans are growing at different rates? Why do you think some have not even sprouted? If we planted new beans what could we do differently? Can't wait to hear from ya!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Plant Project- Day 1

Today we began growing bean plants. Half the class is growing lima beans planted in soil, and the other half is growing four pinto beans in wet paper towels. Here are some thoughts to consider:

- Will our plants grow indoors at 70 degrees? Should we put them outside where it is between 30-40 degrees?

- Our plants are not receiving any natural light (sunlight), will they still grow?

- How can you tell when to water your bean plant?

- Will the pinto beans grow, even though they are not planted in soil?
(Here are pictures of the two experiments on Day 1. Tune in for more updates on the plants from the experimenters themselves.)

What do you think? Comment with your thoughts.