Welcome to the 2009-2010 classroom blog of Ms. Lipsky's 5th graders.
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Contact Ms. Lipsky by emailing LipskyEL@gm.sbac.edu
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
camp crystal
Watz up my name is Tatyana am talking about camp crystal.When ms,Lipsky started to tell us about camp crystal almost fainted.I was so shocked.We did activities my two favorites were archery.I love when we did tweedy with the tubes.I was sad when we left i almots cried.
I have been teaching for four years now and have taught 5th and 3rd grade. I believe in cultivating a love of reading in my students and making math fun! I love to hear my students' curious questions and creative ideas.
I loved Camp Crstal two
Camp Crystal is one of my favorite places! I am glad you had fun.
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