Just like the Solar System Quiz here is a practice quiz on the environment. Remember to click from question to question.
Environment Quiz
After taking it comment with atleast one fact about the environment or plants and animals that you learned or remembered from this quiz.
Environment Quiz
After taking it comment with atleast one fact about the environment or plants and animals that you learned or remembered from this quiz.
I think that this quiz was to easy I need a challenge but I did get remined that anmials that are active at night are called nocternial.
I lened that all animals live in a hbitat.
plants are dormant when yhey show no sign of growth
Dear Ms.Lipsky I remember the one when they asked what was a animal that eat meat plant and animals?It was omnivore.
plant need carbon not oxegen.
The quiz showed me that Animals are consumers because we don't make our own food.
A carnivore is a animal that eats only meat.
I knew almost everything with the things ms.l taught us.
Plants that wont grow are called dormants.
Factorys hurt the o zone.
plants are called?
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