Today we began growing bean plants. Half the class is growing lima beans planted in soil, and the other half is growing four pinto beans in wet paper towels. Here are some thoughts to consider:
- Will our plants grow indoors at 70 degrees? Should we put them outside where it is between 30-40 degrees?
- Our plants are not receiving any natural light (sunlight), will they still grow?
- How can you tell when to water your bean plant?
- Will the pinto beans grow, even

though they are not planted in soil?
(Here are pictures of the two experiments on Day 1. Tune in for more updates on the plants from the experimenters themselves.)
What do you think?

Comment with your thoughts.
Dear Ms.Lipshy I don't think that the plants will grow without sunlight.If they do not have sunlight the seed can't provide food for it's self.We also should not put the plants in the coldness because the sunlight will hardly come out so the are most likey not able to make enough food and sugar for themselves.I also know you should water your plant when it is dry well thats all for now until next time when I come back to speak:):):):):)
Yes I think they will grow.No you should not put them outside because they will freeze to death.Maybe they wont we need to be pationt and find out.The paper towl will look very light.Well the soil doesn`t matter that much so mabe ya mabe they will grow who knows.
I think that it will grow but not a lot.Well if the pinto bean gets watered at the right time thay will probly grow in about 2 weeks
(fully grown).
I think they will grow, because not all the plants grow all the same way.THINK POSITIVE!!!
i cant wait intill the bean makes seeds
Yes our plants will grow at 70 degrees.We should not put them outside because it is to cold.Yes our plants will still grow because there is still light in the classroom.You can tell when to put water in the bean plant because the paper will be dry.
i do see my plant. i wish you a late happy new years.
they will probably grow at 70 deggrees
no they will not grow in the cold they will die . u can not really tell when they need water . yes they can grow in the class room it is warm in room.
I tink that we should make it 76 degres instead.
I think the plants will grow in cups with paper towles.But I don't know if they will grow much,if they stay outside, cause the wet paper towles will freeze.I think that if they don't get sunlight they might not survive and die.
i think they will grow because it is wormer inside then outside alsome photos mrs.lipsky
they will grow because they have already started
I think that the plants will grow for now because thay do not have their leavs so they do not need that mutch sugar. Right now they only need water but wouldent last outside.
i think we should not put the plants outside.if we put them outside they would die.why would we put rhe plants in 20 and
30 degres.
some of the selres is blue some is red.
My plant is going to be so tall you will think i had a green thumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
my plant growed a little stem i cant wait
Well the ones in the paper towl have grown a lot.The ones in the soil probly have grown.
I hope that they've grown a bit
My plant has not grown.Ive been putting water in it but nothing has grown.But the people who has the paper towel,they have roots growing in there cup.Im the person who the dirt,I am the dirt group my dirt was really dry before i put water in it.
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